Travel Info
Lodging Info
Other Wedding Info

* We are hoping to do some snorkeling, some deep-sea fishing, a walking Ghost Tour and the Frost/Davis ladies will be enjoying a "spa-day" in lieu of a Bachelorette party. We will post details of all our planned activities, as we make them. Do not ever feel pressured to join us, but definitely do if it sounds fun to you! We will be arriving on 12/28 in Fort Lauderdale, and driving down to the Last Key that evening.

* On New Year's Eve, we are hoping that anyone that is interested meet at Mallory Square, shortly before sunset, which will be approximately 6 pm in late December. This is the north-west corner of the island, and the best vantage point to see the famous sunset. Virtually the entire town comes out to see the spectacular view each evening, along with a great group of street performers and arts/crafts vendors. If/when the entertainment dies down, we can grab some dinner, and stroll the town until the fireworks begin around 9 pm. We understand there will be several fireworks displays at different times and locations on the island, and we'll keep you updated on the details, as we know them.

* We are very open to any fun ideas you have also - let us know your thoughts!

* Sadly, we have to depart the evening of 1/2/05, so that Dan can jump into his Internal Medicine clinical rotation first thing on Monday morning. Our perspective is not to concentrate on only getting a 24-hour honeymoon, but rather we get to enjoy a mini-honeymoon before the wedding and inviting all our favorite people to join us - the glass is always half-full!
